Privacy Policy

Welcome to our Privacy Policy. This document is designed to inform users about how we handle their Personally Identifiable Information (PII) online. PII includes information that, either on its own or combined with other data, can identify, contact, or locate an individual, or establish their identity within a specific context. It is important to carefully read and understand our privacy policy to gain insight into how we collect, use, protect, and manage your PII.

We use Ezoic to provide personalization and analytic services on this website, as such Ezoic's privacy policy is in effect and can be reviewed here

Information We Collect

We gather personal information from visitors to our website through the following means:

1. Playing the quiz game
2. Registering on our site
3. Filling out a form

While playing on our site, you may be prompted to provide your name, select your region, or choose a language. However, you have the option to visit our site anonymously.

Third-party Cookies

Google, a third-party vendor, uses Double Dart Cookies to serve ads on our website. These cookies assist in delivering ads based on your online activities. You have the choice to opt out of using Double Dart Cookies by visiting Google's ad and content network privacy policy here.

Use of Facebook Features

We employ Facebook social plugins to enhance our services. These plugins are typically identifiable by Facebook logos (e.g., the "f" on a blue tile or a "thumbs up" sign).

Additionally, we utilize "Facebook pixels" and "App Analytics" functions, collectively referred to as "Facebook Re/Marketing Features." These features enable Facebook to target our visitors with relevant advertisements ("Facebook Ads"). We ensure that Facebook Ads are presented to users who are likely to be interested in similar content (referred to as "Lookalike Audiences"). This ensures that the ads align with user interests without causing irritation. We also track the effectiveness of Facebook ads for statistical and market research purposes to gauge if users visit our site after clicking on a Facebook ad.

Please note that the data collected is anonymous to us and does not allow us to identify specific users. However, Facebook may process this data in a way that links it to individual user profiles. This processing falls under Facebook's data usage policy. For more information on how Facebook's Data Use Policy works, refer to this link.

You can choose to disable these functions by adjusting your preferences in the usage-based advertising settings. You can find instructions on how to do this here, here, or on the EU side here. These settings apply across all devices, including desktop computers and mobile devices.

When We Collect Information

We collect information when you enter data on our site while starting a quiz.

How We Use Your Information

The information we collect serves the following purposes:

1. Personalizing your experience on our website.
2. Improving our website offerings based on your feedback.
3. Enhancing customer service and addressing inquiries or requests.
4. Sending periodic emails related to inquiries or other requests.

Protecting Your Information

We have implemented a range of security measures to safeguard your personal information. Our website exclusively offers playful quizzes and never requests credit card numbers. Your personal information, if provided, is kept confidential and is accessible only to authorized personnel with exclusive access rights.

Use of Cookies

Yes, we use cookies to enhance your browsing experience. Cookies are small files that a website transfers to your computer's hard drive through your web browser, allowing the site to recognize your browser and gather certain information. We use cookies to understand your preferences based on previous or current site activity, which enables us to provide improved services. Cookies also help in enhancing future site experiences and tools by aggregating data about site traffic and interactions.
You have the option to disable cookies in your browser settings, but please be aware that this may limit certain features of our site.

Third-party Disclosure

We want to assure you that we do not trade, sell, or otherwise transfer your Personally Identifiable Information to external parties.

Third-party Links

Occasionally, we may offer third-party products or services on our website. Each of these third-party sites has its own separate and independent privacy policies. Therefore, we bear no responsibility or liability for the content and activities of these linked sites. However, we value your feedback on these sites to protect the integrity of our website.

We Have Implemented:

First-party cookies (e.g., Google Analytics cookies) and third-party cookies (e.g., DoubleClick cookie) through third-party vendors like Google. This is done to gather data about user interactions and ad impressions relevant to our website.

Changes to Our Privacy Policy

If any changes are made to this privacy policy, we will notify you on our Privacy Policy Page.

Online Privacy Policy Only

This privacy policy applies solely to information collected through our website, not offline.

Updating Your Personal Information

You can update your personal information by chatting with us or by sending a support ticket within 1 business day.

Contact Us

For further questions or queries regarding this privacy policy, please contact us at