Everyone can have many friends, but only a few are best friends. Any person can have several friends in their friend circle., whether they are classmates, college friends, members of a sports club, or volunteers for a charitable organisation. But not all companions can be best friends. Only a few people are fortunate enough to have a true best friend with whom they share similar vibrations.
It is not the same way to treat your closest friends as you do with all of your other friends. Like good services require ongoing maintenance, true friendship requires time, effort, kindness, and appreciation. True friends are individuals to whom you communicate your deepest feelings.
It's simple to tell your parents you love them, such as "I love you, mom," "I love you, dad," "I love you, sister," and "I love you, brother." There may feel awkward or childish to tell your friends you love them. Expressing love and caring is essential in any relationship. Love is one of the most supreme feelings in humanity. Human nature to want to feel special when surrounded by best friends. You can make your friend feel special without uttering "I love you." Affection can also be expressed through your actions. Now we discuss how to express love to your friends without uttering "I love you".

Show your affection on the social platform

Publicly expressing your gratitude via social media sites might undoubtedly make them feel great. Sharing a post boasting about how awesome your friend is. Create a post that combines images and text messages, or something animated. Pick a few of your best friend's pictures, the text should be lovely and affectionate. To ensure your friend sees it, make the post public and tag your name with it.
Regularly liking and commenting on their social media posts and status updates can make them feel special. Liking and commenting on their public post, show them you care about them and are interested in their lives.

Recalling their big days

Often, people only remember the dates of the big days of their family members. Remember your best buddy's birthday, anniversary, child's birthday, or other anniversaries that have special meaning for them would undoubtedly make them feel special. If you can remember and recall their big days, it signals them they're special to you, just like your family members.
You can note their special dates on a calendar, notepad, or phone. Set a reminder on phone. So never pass up the opportunity to witness their big days.


Celebrate your best friend's achievements, and successes also include them in your personal events and successes to show how much they are exclusive to you. Celebrations can take place at small to huge events. Such as celebrating their best friend's academic progress, excelling in sports or extracurricular activities, getting their first job or receiving a promotion.

Introduce them to your family and loved ones

If you want to show your affection for your best friend, you should introduce them to each of your family members. Invite them to your family events and celebrations. Make your best friend a part of your family. Also, you must know your best family members personally. Put an effort to fortify the bonds between your friend and family as well as between you and their family members.


Whether a birthday, wedding, festival, new year, or another special occasion, give your best buddy a gift. Although, love cannot be shown just through the exchange of presents. Even then, everyone enjoys receiving gifts. Choosing a special gift for your best friend can be challenging, especially when you do not know what to get.
Your selection of gifts will be much easier if you consider their hobbies and tastes. No doubt that expensive gifts can bring pleasure to your friend. Less costly gifts, on the other hand, make your friend happy. A framed photo, a coffee cup with a printed photograph of yours, a pen, perfume, their favourite cosmetic, and a dining set are all excellent gifts.
To prove your affection, you occasionally offer them a surprise gift. Don't hesitate to surprise them with a gift. Unexpected gifts are the best gifts. If you go out or on an outing and uncover something special in your neighbourhood, give it to a buddy. Cheap gifts revitalise friends as well as expensive gifts.

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