A friendship might alter with time, and that is entirely normal. Having ups and downs is inevitable in friends. Taking the time to think about how you feel after spending time with your friend will help you better understand your friendship.
You are with the right friend if you feel rejuvenated, satisfied, and joyful. If you experience exhaustion and frustration after spending time with friends, your friendship may be toxic. Reevaluating your relationship is a good idea if repeatedly feeling exhausted. Alert yourself when friends become toxic. It is called a "toxic friendship" when one person feels emotionally injured or manipulated by another, being emotionally abused or taken advantage of by another is toxic friendship.
When friendship becomes a burden rather than a source of support and feels more like a burden than a gift, it definitely deviates from its path. It has been seen that toxic friendships can negatively affect your mental well-being, weaken your immune system, and increase your blood pressure.
Even though toxic friendships harm your mind, body, and spirit, it can be difficult to recognize them. It's crucial to recognise unhealthy friendships before they worsen. Here we highlight the types of friends you need to avoid from your life.

The boss

An abusive friendship is one in which a friend who claims to care about you manipulates and controls you to harm you. The goal of controlling buddies is to trick you into thinking they are your friends and are working out for your interests. A bossy friend is acting in a dominating manner if your friend puts their interests before yours and has unreasonable expectations of you. Dominating behaviour puts more demands on you than usual. A dominating friend acts superior to you. A bossy buddy constantly telling you what to do while disregarding your needs. They lack the sense that there is a boundary between you and them.

The rule-breaker

The purpose of friendship should be to bring out our best selves, not to bring out the worst in us. By supporting us when we feel worried or in doubt, they can help us become more self-assured. A friend who breaks the rules will pressure you to do risky activities, infringe the law, or behave childishly. They enjoy breaking the law and anticipate your support when they do so.

The sarcastic one

A sarcastic friend rarely gives you a straight answer when you ask something for the first time. Your question is not going to be answered directly and simply by them. When they've finished cracking all the jokes and roundabouts, they'll probably settle down and tell you whether you look well and whether your attire is stylish. They often use the nickname you hate, telling another friend an embarrassing story about you. Soon after they realise that their jokes offend you, they defend themselves by claiming you’re being "too sensitive" or they are just kidding; try not to take things too seriously.
When you urge your sarcastic buddies to stop being mean to you, they defend themselves under the facade of being jocks.

The chronic complainer

This type of friend has always had a ready list of complaints. They complain about their parents, spouse, children, job, weather, traffic, and so on. Actually, they are very insecure from the inside. By venting out their insecurities, they try to relax. They can destroy your mood. They cannot see anyone happy. They have an incessant desire to complain about the things in their lives that are not going well, they make sure you are aware of it and reassure them that everything will be alright in the future. It's okay to have friends who occasionally like to vent, but if they constantly complain, it may become problematic. You can die from the incessant negativity of a chronic complainer, and being around them will make it difficult for you to feel optimistic and productive.

A resentful one

A friend who harbours old grudges is a potentially deadly companion. No matter how good your friendship is, there will inevitably be disagreements and conflicts. The strength of our friendship depends on how we decide to manage these conflicts. Some friends swiftly forget our mistakes and go on, but this is not true of a buddy who holds resentment. A resentful friend will always remember your mistakes and arguments with them, even when you expressed apologised for that. And when that time arrives, they bristle in rage as they lose control and humiliate you by recalling your transgressions.

A childish one

With our childhood buddies, we all act in a childlike fashion. However, there comes a time when you must take responsibility and accountability for your acts. And your childish behaviour is not acceptable in adulthood. However, this type of friend appears to have fallen behind in this maturation process. These friends still throw tantrums and refuse to accept their responsibility. When they are with you, you have to take on their responsibility also. You frequently find yourself caring for them on your own. However much you try, they never grow up, no matter what you do or say.

The guilt tripper

This guy has expectations of you, and if you don't live up to them, they'll make sure you pay the price. When you fall short of their expectations, they are excellent at making you feel bad. They are experts at guilt-tripping you because they are your friends and they know your weak points. Our buddies and social network are our top priorities when we are little. Priorities change as we get older, take on more responsibility, and start making family. Friends must be understanding and encouraging of the various changes that will occur and avoid using guilt or peer pressure to get their way.

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