The Six Pillars Of A Strong Friendship

After family, there are only friends who can bear our insane behaviour and craziness. In praise of friendship, countless pages have been written. A friend is someone you've known for a long time or who is new to you. Someone with whom you have deep affection is a true friend. It's vital to consider the qualities that make friendships successful because friends might come from all aspects of our life. Making friends with someone who has comparable interests and activities to you and is in the same stage of life is simple. But maintaining that true friendship bond is equally tricky. Maintain the friendship and create a solid friendship tie, you and your friend must put up a lot of work. This article will discuss five pillars or characteristics you and your friends must possess to maintain long-lasting and deeply rooted friendships.

Six pillars help maintain a true, long-lasting friendship:


Friendship is the perfect example of a relationship where both parties are equally important. When two people are friends, there is no hierarchy, no leader or follower, and no sense that one is better or worsen than the other. When two people are friends, they enjoy the relationship equally, where no one gains more from it than the other. Equal regard and consideration are signs of equality in a friendship. To maintain a strong friendship neither can be controlling, dominating, or manipulative.


Regardless of sometimes differing views or values, you choose friends because you must be supportive of each other. The way they are, we accept them just as they are. Being judged and held to a standard we can't match makes it impossible to have a true friendship. It's crucial to be understanding and adaptable in a relationship. Strong connections, however, require mutual respect and well-established boundaries. We are willing to overlook our friends' defects, but we must determine which ones are toxic to our happiness and well-being and take steps to correct them. If not, we would only be selfishly attempting to transform the friend for our own benefit.


In any relationship—friendship, love, or family—trust is the fundamental pillar. Being vulnerable is part of the price you pay for trusting someone else. You feel safe and relaxed with a friend who allows you to open up, share secrets, and share personal information. Having confidence and trust is essential to fostering a true friendship. And to develop that trust, you must spend time with your friend, get to know their routines, learn how they treat you, and understand how important you are to them. The key to building a long-lasting friendship is to earn their trust and build trust.


Being independent of your friend and respecting their need for privacy are essential components of healthy friendships. The necessity of constantly being around a friend for company or attention is never comfortable. Friends continually honour each other's boundaries. If your friend doesn't have time to help you out, don't impose demands on them. If you don't respect each other's boundaries, it's impossible to know when a friendship may turn poisonous.


The act of compassion allows us to empathise with and show care and concern for a friend who is suffering. Relationships and friendships thrive on compassion. If you care about your friend, you will have compassion for them and sincerely assist them if they are in need. And being present is necessary for a strong friendship. Being supportive when you need it keeps your friendship together. All of us need a friend who is supportive, compassionate, willing to listen and to help solve problems in times of grief, sadness, and happiness.


The foundation of a strong friendship is honesty. A friendship develops a greater level of trust when people are honest with one another. Whenever we need support, advice, or comfort, we turn to each other. Only honesty can serve as the basis for establishing this trust. If friends keep telling each other lies or withholding information, the relationship will eventually end. Being honest makes you a more likeable buddy. When someone lies or makes an excuse, you create immense destruction; hence, if you want a healthy and happy relationship, you must learn to be honest.


Friendship is not an asset that can be purchased. When both parties are willing to offer their all, it develops over time and becomes stronger. A healthy, joyful, strong, and enduring friendship can be built on the equality, acceptance, trust, independence, compassion, honesty, and integrity you and your friend share. Above all else, it's about how much work you and your friend are willing to put into maintaining your friendship.

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